Post Partum Depression can sneak up on you & without any warning… boom! You feel crazy!
My first couple of years of motherhood was tough, I was emotional, sad and lonely.

My partner travelled 75% of the time which made it worst. My family was around, but I didn’t feel as connected to them as I wished and needed.
I was victim of Post-Partum Depression that lasted for a couple of years after my children were born.
At the time, I didn’t notice that I had suffered from PPD, but looking back, it was evident that my responses towards people, how I felt inside and my thoughts reflected that I suffered from PPD.
I decided to talk to a professional that helped me cope with my confusing and very fiery emotions which helped me understand that these emotions were temporary and nothing to act on.
I still see a therapist, after 4.5 years of having children, I am no longer suffering from PPD, but I do feel like the process of talking to someone from the outside can help me understand situations, rationalize and logically respond to myself and others.
Below are the benefits I’ve received from seeing a professional, I hope this encourages you to talk to someone as well.
If you are feeling any weird feelings, feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, sadness, confusion, loneliness or helplessness.. do it… it will help out a lot!
6 Benefits of Talking to a Therapist
Helps with Processing Information.
It is always helpful to have a person from the outside to help you gather information, process it and draw realistic conclusions.
As human beings, our minds can play tricks on us especially when we have all these pre and post pregnant brain chemicals that creates a level of exaggeration or we can be over emotional in processing information.
Talking situations out with professionals can help bring us back to earth and have a more grounded way to see events that take place in our lives.
Promotes healing.
Talking to a professional helps us see things in a more logical and rational way, which then allows us to remove emotions from our stories we tell ourselves resulting in self-healing.
When we approach situations in a more logical way, we see that things happen not because of us, but because it’s due to the other person, allows us to be compassionate in the way we process information and can help with seeing things in a more empathetic way.
A different view point.
Doctors have gone to school for this stuff, mental health is their forte and when they see patients talk about different instances, or stories in their lives, they can open up different perspectives that can help with better understanding of the situation.
Perception is what makes up our reality and when you are presented different viewpoints, you can come up with different ways to feel towards the situation or person and guide us to a better approach.
Understand the Science behind your responses.
Surprisingly, there is a science behind your responses!
It’s not just some random coincidence that you are responding irrationally or overemotionally about a situation, there is an actual reason connected to all this.. a scientific reason.
The reason why we respond to the outside stimuli, either from an emotional trigger or these may be symptoms of suffering from some sort of mental disorder or PPD.
Being able to understand the science behind this helps with giving you some solution to the problem and a better understanding of yourself.
Pin point your emotional triggers.
Understanding your hot buttons is key with knowing how to respond to people or events.
There is a level of self awareness we should know about ourselves as parents, mothers, fathers and as an adult.
Learning your emotional triggers allows you to determine how to respond to someone when you’ve been triggered, to be more patient in your responses, cool down a bit and think before you respond.
Helps problem solve.
Seeing a professional allows you some resolution. Your doctor can help with providing you some tips and tricks for better communication, better approaches and a plan to help you with whatever issues you feel like you are having.
At first, this article was going to only provide 3 benefits, but noticed that there were far more that I was coming up with.
You can see how beneficial it is for your mind and your soul when talking to a professional.
There are more reasons I can really add on this list, but these six are the most crucial reasons why you should talk to a professional and why I did.
Even if you aren’t a mom, or expecting, talking to a professional is so crucial to your mental and spiritual growth that its worth every minute of your time.
Do your research on which doctor you want to see, be sure they are qualified and are a good match for you and your needs.
Meeting with different doctors first is a good start, see how they are, how they speak, what their background is and if you overall like the person.
In the end, this person will be the one you will share the deepest darkest part of you, be sure to select a doctor that makes you feel comfortable to talk to and is professional.
Sending you love and all green lights!
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Your Mommy Blogger,