I was wandering around YouTube the other day and stumbled upon a really interesting TED Talks on Behavioral Change and Increasing Self Awareness.
Dr. Tasha Eurich, a researcher on Cognitive Development and Behavioral Patterns.
Dr. Eurich conducted a research, as to what was the difference between those who scored high on Self Awareness and those who scored low.
From what I remember, the amount of people she and her team studied was about 500,000 people ranging in different career, age and races.
Her study found that the one difference between the two groups was, the question they’d ask themselves when they were faced with uncomfortable feelings, or needing to handle a difficult situation.
The group of people that scored lower in Self Awareness, would ask WHY questions.
Dr. Eurich goes on about the paralyzing information that gets presented when WHY question gets asked;
Why is this happening to me?
Why is he being so mean?
Why am I not getting a raise?
Why are my children so bad?
These questions lead into a path of negative reasoning, or more of the same information… rather than finding a solution, its validating the negative situation that the WHY question was for.
Dr. Eurich and her team had discovered that the common denominator amongst those whom scored a high level in Self Awareness, was their question they would ask themselves during those tough times.
These people of high Self Awareness, would ask them WHAT questions:
What could I do differently to make this situation better?
What would happen if I looked at this situation in his eyes?
What would happen if I became more present?
What does he really want from me?
What does is my child really saying?
These questions lead into a path of solutions, a way out of the negative thinking, a more productive route to enhance a better result.
I thought this TED Talks was extremely profound, a shift in the way we think, instead of asking WHY, Ask WHAT instead when you are faced with a tough situation, or feelings of negativity arises, think to yourself before responding with a WHY question.
I hope this was as valuable for you as it was for me!
Check out my Podcast, where I cover the same topic, increased Self Awareness by Asking What
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