Ever wake up in a frantic because your alarm didn’t go off?

Or perhaps, you were speeding to get to work and got a traffic ticket on the way in?
I’ve been there, that frantic feeling sucks and has an astounding ripple effect for the hours to come.
How our morning goes usually dictates the rest of our day, therefore we get to take the time to prepare for the kinds of mornings that reap productivity, efficiency and can help you achieve your goals for 2019.
As busy moms, moms who juggle running a business or working for a company, or SAHM’s going back to work… we all need a morning routine that gears us towards Positivity, Productivity & Peace.
I call this, Mommy’s 3 P’s – Positivity, Productivity & Peace! Become a Mommy that generates these 3 P’s on a daily basis and you will be on track for success, reaching your goals quickly and have a more balanced life.
Don’t we want more Productivity & Peace?
Morning Routine for the Busy Mommy’s
Wake up at the same time every morning.

Set your alarm to go off at the same time every morning. Following a schedule does wonders for the mind.
This creates a routine for your body and consistently waking up at the same time allows your body to have a healthy sleeping schedule and daily routine. Routine is very beneficial for our minds, which affect the rest of what we do.
Starting your day consistently, day in and day out every morning will create this routine which will create balance for your mind and a schedule of when to wake up for your body.
The recommend an amount of 6-8 hours of sleep, some can operate with 6 hours of sleep, as long as you aren’t groggy the next morning, its literally your call.
Just be sure to pay attention to how your body responds to the amount of sleep you are getting, too much or too little will have some unwanted side effects.
Side note: The time to wake up every morning is a personal preference, but I say the earlier the better.
Around 6-7am in the morning will allow you to organize yourself, your thoughts and allow for some time to prepare for the day.
Get your blood flowing.

I personally don’t like to work out in the morning, but some people may not mind it. If you are one of those people, then work out, do a light jug or brisk walk.
Or work out in your living room, look up an easy YouTube Morning Exercise, or a Morning Yoga Routine, whatever it takes… do it.
If you are like me, I prefer stretches and yoga “downward dog poses” or “warrior pose” and I think one is called “open heart prayer”, ha! I am not a Yogi at all, but I do yoga stretches for 10 minutes.
Yoga stretches is what works great for me, this allows for blood flow, get my ligaments and muscles some oxygen to start my day and it just overall feels great.
Doing this every morning, reminds me, “ok – Maria you are alive! Now, Let’s Go Get It!”
Eat breakfast.

Eating a healthy, a protein filled breakfast is the best bet to start your day off great and purposeful.
It is the most important meal of the day, this causes a ripple effect on what you want to eat for the meals coming up. If I don’t eat breakfast in the morning, I notice that I want to pig out at lunch because I am so hungry come noon.
Having a healthy breakfast prevents this irresponsible effect. Fruits, proteins or a breakfast shake work great!
I personally love Clif Bars and a cup of coffee, its rolled oats in whatever flavor you desire. I prefer the Mint Chocolate Chip, it is so good and good for you!
Usually, I will eat at my desk, but if you are one that can have some real breakfast, eggs and sausage, do it! High in protein is our goal here to get us through until lunch!
AM Affirmations.

Affirmations is very important piece in this whole AM Routine.
Affirmations has to do with mindset and mindset dictate our entire lives, our emotions, feelings and thus control our actions which then gives us our results.
Having a strong, positive and purposeful mindset allows for you to become a Powerful Women we all dream of becoming, or are, but we need some reminding from time to time.
Affirmations creates this for me, a reminder of what we are and need to stay focused on, which is our end goal and possibility of whats in stores for us.
Below I have created some simple Morning Affirmations that I use:
“I am a powerful woman”
“Great things are coming my way”
“I am receiving to all the abundance that the Universe has in stored for me”
“Every corner of my world is filled with love”
Or come up with your own that is more suitable to you and your life. Remember that affirmations are to feel like you already have these in your life statements, your statements must be in the form, that you already have the thing in your life.
Don’t state you are going to get it, or you will have it. Start statements with I am, or statements that say that you already own it in your life.
Get to work at the same time every morning.

Section number one, with waking up at the same time every morning, getting to work at the same time every morning is all about creating a routine or schedule.
Getting to work every day at the same time allows for being prompt, dependability and following a schedule.
Get to work at least 10-15 minutes early every morning, even if you sit in your car and check emails or take some cute selfies because you got your affirmations making you feel powerful and beautiful or if you just have your eyebrows on right because you gave yourself some time to do them.
There are many benefits for following a schedule, allows for routine, time management and maximizing our morning for the best outcomes to help is get closer to our goals.
Become keen to creating a morning schedule to generate the 3 P’s: Positivity, Productivity & Peace.
Taking control of your mornings is a start to knowing how the rest of your day will go.
Ensuring that we get the results and goals that we want in our lives and to use the time we have wisely is all about preparing our days for success and this morning routine is just that, preparing the start of our day to be as purposeful as ever!
Your Mommy Blogger