Are you a mom with a full time job, juggling to keep everything in running order?
Well, I feel you girl, because I am too.

The stresses of life are great and to add challenges of being a mom, raising children and maintaining a household, is even greater.
I work full time and come home to my girls at 5ish, make dinner, play with them, clean, then it’s time for our bedtime routine, bathe and bedtime story.
On a good day, they won’t fight me on laying in their beds and falling straight to sleep, other days, they will get up and ask me countless questions about what show to put the tv on, or that they want juice, or they don’t want to be in their beds, but want to be in Mommy and Daddy’s bed.
I don’t know how the mothers before me did it, all I know is that at the end of my day, I need a full glass of wine and a good foot soak, oh how I love those!
Ladies, honestly answer the following 3 questions:
Does Your work seem endless?
When I reference work, I mean at your job and within your home.
Does your work seem never ending? Does it seem like there are countless emails just piling in your inbox? So many calls to return and not enough hours to do so?
When you get home, does it look like there are a zillion dishes and laundry to wash?
Well if so, you are experiencing being burnt out, homegirl.
Are you on edge?
Do you get irritated easily?
When someone asks you a simple question, does it make you agitated?
Being easily agitated could signal a lot of things, one of which you just have too much on your mind and if one more “Mommy” comes out of their mouths, You are going to lose my mind.
Do you get overwhelmed easily?
Do you feel like a simple task seem so difficult to do?
Looking at that pile of dishes make you want to throw something at the wall? How about all the clothes every where that no one seems to pick up?
If you answered YES to all questions above, well my love, this is a great sign that you are burnt out.
Juggling everything in life is a challenge, an never ending task that seems to get heavier and heavier. But there is a solution ladies!
My fellow mothers, moms and mommas out here in the world of chaos, crying babies, yelling toddlers, rude customers and boss whom under appreciate you, this is for you!
The only way to get yourself back to normal and back into a peaceful and grateful place is to take sometime and organize your week ahead.
Organizing your items of To Dobefore hand can help you become effective, maximize each minute/hour of the day, allowing you to be more productive, less overwhelmed and more time to spend with your loved ones.
What I use to keep rep myself organized is a day planner, that keeps me organized for the day. I usually do a quick meditation where I set out an intention of what I want to accomplish that day to keep my head clear and focus.
Check out my post on Balancing Motherhood below!
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Sending you love and all green lights!
Your Mommy Blogger,