I am generally a positive person.. but I found myself being very negative in the way I was seeing my life, my journey into motherhood and essentially who I was becoming.
So I was compelled to adding the principle of having a strong mindset in The Boss Mom Mentality.
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficult.”
-Winston Churchill

As this was a pivotal frame of mind that is needed to have a rewarding motherhood journey.
Staying consistently positive during Motherhood is not an easy task. In fact, most may say impossible and going through bouts of emotional ups and downs is completely normal.
I mean, come on… we’ve birthed a child, endured physical changes to our bodies, now we come last in our lives and our needs barely get met nowadays… it’s almost normal to be an emotional wreck. I get it, a Positive Mindset is the last thing you are thinking about, but studies show that those who have a positive mindset lead happier lives, achieve greater in their work or career, are in happier marriages, raise happier children and are happier people overall.
It is of importance, to figure out ways to cultivate a sense of positivity in how we perceive our world and how we parent in our children’s lives.
– The Boss Mom Mentality