Have been to a spa or nail salon?
One of the first things they do is soak your feet in some nice warm/hot water because it immediately puts you in a state of relaxing feeling.
Well this is what I want all moms to experience, this spa-like feeling at least 3 nights a week and it’s so easy to do!
Soaking my feet is one of my most favorite thing to do when everyone has gone to bed.
Everyone is asleep, now I get to have some me time!
I get a bucket, fill it enough to cover my feet up to right before my ankles with warm/hot water.
I like it more on the hot side so when it cools down it’s still warm, I dislike my water turning cold too fast.
My favorite items to place in my water is lavender epsom salt and tea tree oil, it smells amazing, nourishes my skin and the oil is great for keeping my toe nails sanitized.
For the best results, I suggest getting the two items below:
3 Life Changing Reasons to Soak Your Feet before Bedtime
1| Relaxation
Don’t we need more relaxation in our lives?
What a great way to end your night than to soak your feet in some warm water, smelling the essential oils or scented epsom salt is your little moment in spa-heaven.
Being able to decompress this way allows you a some quiet time & showing yourself some love by taking yourself to mini spa like mental state.
Immediately, your soul can be taken into a special spa that pampers you, right in the comfort of your own home.
It’s just soaking your feet, but this kind of mental shift allows for more feelings of gratitude, who doesn’t want that?
Soaking your feet is great for mental strength, peace and quiet.
This activity can help you process the stresses of life in a more logical way, which means this will prompt you to become more of a problem solver.
2| Nourishment
Soaking your feet in epsom salt like I do, nourishes your feet and the rest of your body.
The epsom salt will enter your blood stream through absorption of the water (after 10-15mins of soaking) and the benefits are astounding.
Epsom salt relieves inflammation, helps replenish magnesium that regulates and creates serotonin in your blood stream, leaving you in a happy state, relieves aches and pain and so much more, click here for the very long list of epsom salt benefits.
Depending on the type of soak you create, you can heal areas of your body, generate better blood flow and sanitize your body.
3| Reflection
If you do my Gratitude Exercise of counting 3 things to be grateful for before ending your day, well this is a great opportunity to do this exercise.
Reflect back on the day, what were the amazing things that took your breathe away?
For me, my children being brave and having fun at a baby shower we went to today was great, as they get really shy/nervous around big crowds.
Another blessing is that today we got to watch two full movies in our movie room, as we don’t have plenty of time to do that.
Last blessing would be that I carved out some time to soak my feet in my favorite lavender epsom salt before going to bed… thats what prompted me to write this post.
Soaking your feet before bed is a great way to feel amazing, promote self esteem, an easy way to take yourself to a spa like environment, give yourself some nourishment, love, reflection and inner peace in the craziness of taking care of everyone else and promotes personal development!
I hope this helps other mothers give themselves some TLC, we all need one of the above listed and this takes less than 10 minutes and less than $30 for all the supplies that can last up to 3 weeks to a couple of months depending on your frequency.
Get soaking ladies!!
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