Emotional resilience is one of the corner stone of personal development & in order to personally develop, we must master the concept of Emotional Resilience.
What is emotional resilience?
It is the ability to bounce back quickly from setbacks during motherhood is an advantage for you, your child and is truly empowering to the soul.
Emotional Resilience is crucial for understanding and developing during motherhood because this is the one time in life that we are solely responsible for little ones upbringing and development, which in turn creates strain our inner emotional world and our unhealed wounds have a tendency to arise during these moments.
Do you think you have a high level of emotional resilience?
I know that I don’t, I am still developing the concept that emotions are temporary, let alone having a level of resilience to it.
According to Susan David, author of Emotional Agility; Emotions are guidepost to what is important and of value to us.
Listening to her speak about this topic and details of her book was a huge eye opener.
The unemotional approach to the concept of emotional agility was un-intimidating and easy to understand.
I have listed down my take from her book, I encourage you read this as well.
Don’t Judge The Emotion
Often times, the moment we notice an uncomfortable emotion, we immediately go into judging the emotion.
For example, if I make a mistake at work and the emotion of fear comes up for me, I notice that I judge myself for the fear I am feeling. David says, instead of judging the emotion, she says to do nothing, don’t judge it and just let it be.
This creates a space between the stimuli (in my case, fear) and my actions that follow.
Observe the Emotion
Just like we notice our hands, or toes, David says to notice the emotion.
In my case, I would observe the emotion of fear and eventually it will subside.
As all emotions are temporary, it’s the power we give it that allows it any kind of weight.
Label the Emotion
Uncover what that emotion is really about, in my case, my feelings of fear is connected to the fear of not being good enough, the fear of not being smart enough or not capable enough, I notice that I start adding to the emotion of fear, my reasons as to why it is valid.
I believe this is crucial to understand, as this is the moment where you can make a decision as to where I can take my fear and allow it to catapult me into a deeper understanding of myself and find some resolution, or be stuck in the fear and allow it to paralyze me.
Discover Inner Solution
Empowering approach is to find a solution to bridge the gap creating the emotional dissonance.
Since my fear is essentially connected to “not being good enough, smart enough”, I am connecting this to not being worthy to be in position I am in and have the responsibilities that I have.
Think of the opposite of this, to create a balance and counter the fear.
The opposite of this is to have more worthy conversations with myself, allow myself to understand that the journey that I’ve taken to get here is what warrants my role with the company and that I have paid my dues.
My work + academic experiences and achievements make me worthy of the position I have and most importantly that I work diligently every day at my job and not one mistake will allow me to question my worthiness.
This kind of shift of awareness can alter your state of mind by developing self awareness and empowering it into into motivation.
Journal about your discovery
Journaling about your discovery is key to really allowing yourself to have these concepts sink into your mind and us empowering to write down exactly what you want to achieve.
The act of writing it down, helps the information to be stored in long term memory instead of short term memory.
Journal about the feelings that came up, dissect them one at a time and don’t feel overwhelmed as this is a process of self-discovery.
The things we do after these moments of revelation is important as it will either create momentum of change or it will just subside as a thought and will come and go.
Journaling allows us to maximize the growth potential of these moments, allow yourself to emotionally develop which in turn will create motivation for self awareness and a step forward in a better way of living and handling our lives.
The work of personal development requires commitment and perseverance and these small shifts can create a drastic change in the course of your personal growth.
The shift isn’t this massive, overwhelming task, its small and starts in the way we think and how we observe things!
I’d love to hear about the discovery you’ve made with these tips! Please share with me as I love to hear that people are making little shifts towards we empowering, happier and more fulfilling way of living.
Remember, Connect & Share!
Your Mommy Blogger,