Podcasting changed my whole life.
Two years ago, I was looking for an easy platform to create content, a mental outlet, expand my brand and create a community.
During my seek of inspiration, I stumbled upon a YouTube video where Gary Vee was sharing his theory that everything is going audio in the future and he was pretty much encouraging me to make my foot print in Podcasting.
So I did it!
Fast forward, two years later and over 100 episodes under my belt… it was one of the BEST things that I did for my online brand.
Below are advantages that I have seen play out in my Podcasting Journey.
5 Ways Podcasting has Improved My Business
Products & Services
One of the great things about Podcasting is that you can naturally sell while having engaging content for your audience!
When I’d published my first book, it was easy to throw the book and content as apart of my episodes. Which in turn is great marketing and converts to sales!
Clarity on My Message
Podcasting helped me get clear on my message and purpose. When I started my show, I entered into it wanting to talk about Motherhood, Parenting and Personal Growth… but I realized that my journey is all about my Entrepreneurship Journey and juggling it all.
My message has changed from Motherhood and Parenting to now sharing my journey as a business women in Podcasting.
Without my premature niche and topic, I would have never gotten to be an Author of The Boss Mom Mentality, nor have an understanding of my passion for Entrepreneurship.
Polished Public Speaking Skills
Did you know that people compare the fear of Public Speaking to the fear of Dying?

Yes, this fear is real and it’s scary af. When I started my Podcast, I had a little bit of experience speaking in my previous positions, but not to the magnitude where Podcasting requires.
I was able to learn how to “Tell a Story”, learn how to remove fluff words, learn how to Pause after every statement and enunciate words and so much more!
There is alot to learn when it comes to communicating as a professional while also having a balance of authenticity and allowing your personality shine through.
It takes practice and time to actually master this little ecosystem of communication, so that you’re perceived as an expert and are still relatable.
I’ve been able to master this as I’ve recorded my shows.
One of the cool things about Podcasting is that you can make some cheese!
It takes time… but with having over 100 episodes, I get paid on those episodes when people listen to it because of the ads that are placed within the show.
Another way I get paid, is through the books I write.. I market, heavy on my Podcast… so that it can convert to sales.
Expert Status
When I started my show, I didnt think it was gonna get this big.
Now that I have so much content on my Podcast feed, it creates a perception that I have been doing work… werk, werk, werk, werk, werk, werk.
Having a ton of episodes create trust quickly, because it shows I am not a hit it and quit it Podcaster…I am here for the long run and I’ve been doing werk.

Brands and Influencers have approached me to be on my show or to have me on their show.
I get emails all the time from people directly or a PR company to get their client on my show. This is a huge leveraging aspect and creates for brand growth and expertise awareness.
Mental Outlet

This is the biggest motivator as to why I’ve been consistent.
Any kind of inspiration, journey, chapter, stressors, accomplishment, I have recorded a show on. I have shared my journey as I experience whatever it is that I am going through.
I’ve been able to grow as a Podcaster, grow as a Mother, Woman and Entrepreneur through Podcasting.
You could call it a audio journal that gets published to the world, lol.
There you have it, Podcasting has truly transformed my life. If you are wondering whether you should start your own Podcast.
I say, “Hell Yes!”
Do it, you will look back years later and you’ll thank yourself for creating your show and being consistent!
Who knows, you may make a ton of money, brand awareness and lots of networking opportunities along the way!